Friday, August 5, 2011

Army Of Me

For special effect, PLEASE press play on the video, listen to Dr. Gorski inform Babydoll of what she needs to do, when the music starts please begin reading.

Well, it is August 5th and I am at the end of the "First 10% is the easiest" phase, which means a plateau is on my horizon. Sucks to be a plateau.
As of June 21st, I was 326 lbs.
On August 4th, I am 297 lbs.
It is different this time. That's something to note to all who are following me. This is different. As I have said before, I need a trainer, I need friend with me, no a different friend, importany day coming, I need another trainer, wah, wah, wah, cry, bitch, boohoo.
I need none of it this time.
This time it is all me!
I woke up and decided I will end this. I will bring friends along if they want, and I am more than happy to have one with me now, but this is my battle. No trainer, friend, wife or dog is gonna lose this weight for me.
I have noticed through my own experiences and seeing the 'One Year Later' stories of The Biggest Loser, the dive bomb weightloss through extreme dieting and workout is good for a contest, but the weight they and I had lost was suffering from seperation anxiety, and was desperately searching to reunite with us. I am more interested in being the slowest loser this time. I am going to peel this weight off pound by pound, shoot it and leave it on the side of the road. I figure if any of this weight gets seperation anxiety, it will know the direction I have gone, it won't have to search, as the direction will be riddled with 126 other pounds affected by my fury.
I am doing it right. I have eliminated the fast food, most pop(pepsi max still, weird thing with welding, I dunno), I have increased my fruits and veggies, more wholesome meals, less snacking, less fried. It's not a diet, a diet implies a short term change before resuming as normal. It's a change to my life. I am not eliminating this or that to get a secret edge on dropping a couple more pounds. I'm just eliminating the junk.
As for my running, every time out is an adventure. Between people leaning out of their cars screaming or honking their horns to scare me on Sawmill(don't worry, you all know I have nerves of steel), or dodging crazy drivers taking short fast turns on the residential streets, ducking low tree branches and other hanging foliage , OR the pack of skunks that live nearby that hiss and are prepared to defend themselves as I run by, in my head its my own battle, avoiding missles, gunfire, and landmines weaving through an urban jungle.
I have nights where it is easier, like two nights ago, where I had a smile on my face the whole time and debated whether or not I should stop. I have days where it is tougher, like this morning, where I wondered how I was going to make it down the street let alone 2.5 miles. I have mornings where I dont want to get up, wishing I could get one more hour of sleep. I play this fantastic song, and I stop wondering, I stop smiling, I stop wishing, I just destroy.
I have the knowledge.
I have the plan.
I have the desire.
I have the drive.
I have an army of me.
And Bjork.

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