Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thanks Wayne, but you shouldn't feed the animal.

A while back, I was sitting on the steps of the locker room at work. A co-worker, Wayne, sits down next to me and says "What's this I hear you're trying to lose weight?"
"What, you can't tell??"
"Aww, man, I just telling you what I heard. how much weight are you trying to lose?"
'Total, 126 lbs. That'll put me at 200."
He laughs.
"What's so funny?"
"Man, guys like you and me, we ain't meant to weigh 200."
What I am thinking- What the f*** is wrong with this person?! What I say- "Are you serial?"
"Yeah, man. I'm sayin, we ain't got the bone structure for 200, we're too big."
"Sooooo.... Are you saying I won't make 200?"
"Well, yeah. We just ain't meant for it."
"I hope I know you in a year, bud."
Wayne is about 10 or so years older than me and is from Alabama. I am not sure which of those two facts play more into the conversation we had, but I am sure both had alot of influence.
Thanks Wayne, but please don't feed the animal.
So Wayne comes up to me recently and asks "How much weight have you lost, man?".
I tell him "Around 37 lbs".
"Hmmm... that's not good man. You're losing it too fast. You better be careful, you might end up anorexic or something!".
"First of all, why are you always naysaying on me? B, I've been at this for 12 weeks and lost around two pounds a week except for the first couple weeks when I lost like 15. And then just how am I gonna become anorexic???".
"Well, I'm just sayin, you know, you lose too much weight, you might become it cause you get so focused on not eating, and it just happens".
"Let me tell you about my eating, ok? Yesterday I had a grilled ham egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast, today a cereal bar and a banana. For lunch yesterday I had a BBQ chicken pizza and today a double cheeseburger without a bun. Every night I have a ham and pastrami wrap and ramen noodles for dinner, and a apple, grapes, banana for snacks. Do I sound anorexic?"
"Hey man, I'm just trying to look out for you, that's all. I'm just sayin every now and then you need to cheat a little."
"Yeah, man. Just a little."
So I did. I think deep down to prove a point, or maybe just maybe, because I borrowed Tori H's car and we hadn't really hung out outside of our weekly pavement thumping. B-Dub's here I come!
Had some naked hot wings, couple of Bud Light's, and a shared... TUB of nacho's. They were ridiculously huge. When I weighed in on Friday, I had gained three pounds back and let Wayne know how cheating went and let him know how much cheating will be in my future. He had nothing to say, just shook his head and walked away.
Tightened the reigns, got back on the horse, focus, focus, FOCUS!
Now I know full well those three pounds probably came from the fact the food hadn't fully cleared my system yet. Whatever, I recovered in a furious fashion. The following Friday I see Wayne just standing there in the locker room, I walk up and say "Didn't cheat. Stuck to the plan. Lost 8 pounds." and walked away.
Thanks Wayne, but you shouldn't feed the animal.

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