Saturday, December 3, 2011

Corey King vs Stuart Kirk: 51 lb Punchout

Since leaving Columbus, some of my motivation has drained. I think. Or maybe winter is setting in and I am having trouble adjusting my workout. But, none the less, some things are meant to be.

I introduce to you Corey W. King.
Long time friend, growing comedian, Toledo radio personality, and suffering congestive heart failure, liver disease and had a heart attack early last year.
I recently became the very satisfied and proud owner of a iPhone 4S and was unaware of the damage to my contact list that was caused by leaving Android. I am missing a lot of numbers, and I have a lot of very old numbers for some people, including Corey.
We hadn't spoke in awhile, I had three numbers for him, and two email addresses, so I sent something to all of them to find out where he was. One was a land line, one said wrong number and the third... had a pretty choice message for me to deliver when I did find him.
So I took the easy way and message him through Facebook. Within moments he responded. We dispatched pleasantries, I relayed the watered down message to him, and broke into the weight loss discussion. After his heart attack, Corey's doctor informed him, as every well payed doctor should, "You should lose weight"(Thanks Doc! How much do I owe you?).
At 306 pounds, it wasn't a decision. It was fight. If he loses, he pays the ultimate price. If he wins, he gets the ultimate gift, a gift that most take for granted. One that he and I both took for granted.
As we continued texting, he asks me what my goal is, and before I can finish typing my response, he calls me.
Corey "So what is your goal?"
"200. You?"
C "220. How do you feel about putting money on it? First to make their goal? Maybe like $50"
"That could work. Any reason?"
C "I work harder when money is involved, and seeing as how I would have to borrow it from my girlfriend, I don't want to owe her money, I would definitely work harder."
"OK. Lets make it $100 then.?"
C "Ummm, OK."
"We need to set parameters? How about we play to 51 lbs since that's all you need?"
C "That works. No surgeries. Also I think the bet should be void if either of us lose a limb, kind of an unfair advantage if you have one less limb to account for."
"Yes. Good call. No supplements either"
C "Deal."

And so begins my revitalized journey.
As of June 21st, I was 326 lbs.
Today, December 3rd, I am 268 lbs.
So today I begin the 51 Pounds Punchout Challenge (click the link, like the page, go ahead and friend me while you are at it!). My goal is to win it by my fourth wedding anniversary on June 14th, 2012. 

See you at the finish line, Corey!
Kirk out.

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